About Us

in case you’re curious


How It All Started

As we know it, business is an incredibly fast-paced and ever-growing, global industry. In Trinidad and Tobago, local businesses withhold a similar momentum, therefore our society is conditioned to adapt to new markets, take risks and establish numerous start-ups. We are a nation of dreamers, builders and do-ers. 

As avid as we are in entrepreneurship and business affairs, our heart lies in the success of a business. We are always fascinated by the innovative ways of keeping a company prominent in its competitive arena; where the consumers determine its victory. With this in mind, it was only fitting that we established one of our own. A registered business that embodies these very motives, and offers services to enhance the marketing schemes of other businesses. 

Zazoke Marketing is the channel between client and consumer. We strive to strengthen this relationship, foremost, and enforce excellence through research, consultation and relativity. Each rollout plan is constructed to suit the nature of each client’s scope of work. From training external staff to relaying statistical reports to help the client assess and improve their business strategy, there is no stone left unturned; every detail matters to us. That’s why, 18 years later, we are proud to say that we have attained high ranking results with each client that we meet.


Meet The Team


Alicia Hart

managing director


Dellan Thomas

financial director


Hema Narinesingh

Operations coordinator